Sean Owen Roberson

Sean Owen Roberson
Palladium Books, Business Partner and Creative Director

Sean has avidly played digital and tabletop RPGs and wargames since the early 90s and has managed a Games Workshop store, volunteered as a missionary overseas, been the Master at Arms of a renaissance festival jousting troupe, and served in US Air Force military intelligence.

While studying design and production at the University of Texas in Dallas, he was delighted to begin working with Shane and all the great folks at Pinnacle Entertainment Group on Rifts® for the Savage Worlds game system. While coordinating the product line with Kevin Siembieda, the two developed a solid working relationship.

Sean led the update of Rifts® to the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition and is the primary writer and designer of multiple books in the series. He has created material for other Savage Worlds products, Palladium Books, Torg Eternity, and Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory. In 2021 he joined Palladium Books Inc. as Kevin Siembieda’s business partner and the company’s Creative Director. He continues to oversee work on the Rifts® for Savage Worlds product line, now from the licensor side.

In 2022 Sean co-authored and ran the crowdfunding campaign for the Titan Robotics Rifts Sourcebook, delivering the final product to backers in summer 2023. In the fall of 2023, after working with Kevin to negotiate the return of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness RPG license to Palladium Books, Sean ran the accompanying crowdfunding campaign and spearheaded work on the Redux Edition of the books. As an avid fan of the TMNT since he was a kid, Sean’s inner child is doing backflips.

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