
Please welcome, Kevin Siembieda!

Please welcome our next guest — gaming creator, Kevin Siembieda! Artist, writer, game designer, Kevin is best known as the creator of the Rifts® role-playing game and countless other pen and paper RPGs and sourcebooks. He is also the founder and publisher of Palladium Books®. You can find Kevin, and more gaming guests, in the […]

Please welcome, Eric Talbot!

Happy New Comic Book Day, and Happy New Guest Artist Announcement! Please welcome Eric Talbot!   Eric Talbot is an American comic book writer and artist known for his work on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series under Mirage Studios. He was hired by long-time classmate and friend Kevin Eastman.   Tickets: www.granitecon.com/buy-tickets/ Guests: www.granitecon.com/guests/ […]

Please welcome, Duy Truong!

Please welcome our next cosplay guest — Duy Truong   Duy Truong, aka CafeDeDuy, is an award winning cosplayer & designer with a focus on intricate details and world cultural influences. His past works have been seen on runways and museum displays. In his free time, he enjoys watching unhinged videos about Legend of Zelda. […]

Please welcome, Sean Owen Roberson!

Please welcome our next guest — gaming creator, Sean Owen Roberson! Sean has avidly played digital and tabletop RPGs and wargames since the early 90s and has managed a Games Workshop store, volunteered as a missionary overseas, been the Master at Arms of a renaissance festival jousting troupe, and served in US Air Force military […]

Please welcome, Joseph Schmalke!

Happy New Comic Book Day, and Happy New Guest Artist Announcement! Please welcome artist, Joseph Schmalke! Joseph Schmalke is a comics creator, writer, illustrator and publisher of MIDNIGHT FACTORY. Joe is the artist and writer on several comic book titles including SEVEN YEARS IN DARKNESS, WE DON’T KILL SPIDERS, ONE LAST TRICK, THE INFERNAL PACT, […]

Please welcome, Ben Bishop!

Happy New Comic Book Day, and Happy New Guest Artist Announcement! Please welcome artist, Ben Bishop! Ben Bishop is most recently known for his work on New York Times Best Seller “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Last Ronin” Ben is currently balancing his time drawing for The Lost Years, the follow up story to The […]

195 Days to Go!

Only 195 days to go until Granitecon 2025!   More celebrity, artist, gaming, and cosplay announcements coming soon!   Guests: www.granitecon.com/guests/ Tickets: www.granitecon.com/buy-tickets/ Hotels: www.granitecon.com/hotels/   #granitestatecomiccon #granitecon #granitecon2025

Please welcome, Cassandra Ariel!

Cassandra Ariel has been part of the cosplay community for almost 10 years now, guesting, hosting, moderating/speaking on Panels, and judging at Conventions nationally and Internationally for 6 years. Specializing in cosplay makeup, performance, and design, she pulls her inspiration for her cosplays from all mediums and corners of various fandoms; comics, films and television, […]

Please welcome, Sarah Dahlinger!

Please welcome our next guest — gaming creator Sarah Dahlinger! Sarah Dahlinger, the creator of Astra Fauna, is a creature concept sculptor and illustrator, creating both 2D and 3D monsters and animals for books, games, and film. Sarah has created art Dungeons and Dragons, Cephalofair Games, ETLOK Studios, Cinemo Galactic, Paizo, Monte Cook Games, Centipede […]

Please welcome, Bryan Tillman!

Happy New Comic Book Day, and Happy New Guest Artist Announcement! Please welcome artist, Bryan Tillman! Bryan Tillman does many things. He is a toy sculptor, character designer, editor for Kaiser Studios, and an Associate Professor for Illustration. He also does layout and illustrations for multiple projects, some of his clients are; Marvel Comics, DC […]