Official Granitecon Kick-Off Party!

Are you ready? No, we said ARE YOU READY?? Then join us on Friday, September 15th at 8:30pm, for the Official Granitecon Kick-Off Party, GraniteMania! Come out for a night of Steve-Weisers, dancing like a Funk-A-Saurus, making opponents rest in peace and being limousine riding party goers (ok, those all might not happen, but we have a fun night planned!).

Tickets are $10.00 (on sale soon)

This is a 21+ Event

For details visit:

*While this is a wrestling after party, please refrain from any choke holds, stunners, Rock Bottoms, elbow drops, super kicks, spears, frog splashes, eye pokes, jackhammers, body slams, power slams, tombstones, piledrivers, crossface chicken wings, stomps, mudholes, banzai drops, sharpshooters or laying the Smackdown on people!

Granitecon is sponsored by Southern New Hampshire University – On Campus     

#Granitecon #Granitecon2023 #GraniteStateComicon @snhuoncampus