We Need Your Ideas!

We want you to be part of this year’s Granite State Comicon!
Do you have something to say about comics, cosplay or pop culture? We’re looking for folks who want to share their ideas, filling the time with energetic and knowledgeable content! This is a great opportunity for local indie comics creators, fan groups, geek parents, podcasters, makers and more! Click on this link to tell us your ideas: www.granitecon.com/panel-submission-form/


  1. Matt q says:

    What is the deal with RPG room?
    Is it just a free for all?
    Just grab a table and start running games or is there some kind of sign up?

    • granitecon says:

      It is free to all. There will be a game library to use, and gaming demos as well. You and your group can find a table and find a game and have fun!